Colombian born native, Rosa O. Clifford is no stranger to television or the arts. As an actress in Colombia she participated in various well known and well remembered productions, during what is now referred to as the “Golden Age” of Colombian TV. During this time she studied and graduated from Commercial Art and Advertising school. At the same time she worked behind the scenes, singing jingles for some of the world’s most famous brand name products in a variety of TV commercials. In addition to winning awards for the singing voice of the jingles, Rosa was also an important cast member in award winning TV series of the late 80’s and early 90’s.
She left her TV career in Colombia in 1993 to pursue a greater passion in her life – her love for Christ and ministering His love to others. In 1998, she married her husband, Scott and became an instant mother to his then 10 year old son, AJ. They have been blessed with two additional sons: Jonathan now 16, and Christopher now 14 who was born with Down Syndrome. With Christopher’s birth and all the new challenges associated with caring for a special needs child, her stay-at-home-mom status provided the time and platform for building her online paper art business, known as ROC Paper Scissors. Suddenly and seemingly out of the blue, she found herself once again in front of TV cameras, both locally and nationally. The years of previous experience working on TV came back much like riding a bike. She was privileged to appear as a repeat guest on the “The Martha Stewart Show” up to and including it’s very last season. She has also been a regular guest for the past six years on NBC’s “Daytime TV” hosted by “Extra’s” Jerry Penacoli and Cyndi Edwards, and numerous local TV magazines in the Tampa Bay area where she resides with her husband and children. Rosa and her work has been featured in numerous blogs: Martha Stewart.com; Emmy Award winning stylist Danielle Fiori of Sweet Dani B’s; Ann Martin Of “All Things Paper”; as well as international blogs she can’t spell or read. The local papers and news media have visited her home on more than one occasion for features recognizing her talent and accomplishments.
She loves sharing her testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of what God has done in her life through her belief in Jesus and the infallible Word of God. People connect with her genuine, honest and transparent demeanor. She hopes to continue to inspire others with her “post celebrity” life experiences: thrilled to be a first-time wife at age 35; working through the challenges of a blended family; raising a child with special needs; becoming a small business Mom-preneur, and honing her creative, crafting, designing, and DIY skills while involved with ministry and homeschooling her middle son. Rosa and her husband continue to run the online business ROC Paper Scissors by way of this website, as well on eBay and Handmade at Amazon and having had her products curated under the Martha Stewart American Made Market brand for the past 4 years.
In her spare time, she enjoys a good nap, decorating, crafting and creating, watching Hallmark movies on the weekends, cooking, hospitality and spending time with her husband and all her” boys”. She’s surrounded by boys including the family pet, Baxter, a four year old Golden Retriever, her four year old twin grandsons and another one year old Clifford male grandbaby to add to the brood of “men” in her family. Life is good for such a “Girly girl”, even in the midst of what she refers to as her “palace of testosterone”.