Here are our new father’s day cards! Boy and girl versions are available, and each card has multiple skin tone options. To view all of our father’s day cards click here.
[threecol_one]What an honor it has been, and fun as well these past three (3) years to be, even in a small way, a part of the 7 year Emmy Award Winning Martha Stewart Show. Sadly as I write this, the studios are dark and many have been relocated to other positions or have already had their last day at the office. [/threecol_one] [threecol_two_last][/threecol_two_last] So I dedicate this blog to all the people of the Martha Stewart Show. The experience has helped me as a business owner and to grow as an artist. It has afforded a wonderful opportunity to be exposed to some incredibly talented people and has pushed my creative limits to a place where not even the sky is the limit. I have dared to dream, seen some come true, and I’m so excited that I’ll not be stopping anytime soon. [threecol_two] [/threecol_two] [threecol_one_last]In a weird way I think it is my way of grieving and giving this amazing ride in my life some kind of closure as well. There will be ways to stay in touch with the very special people I’ve come to know and love, however the family camaraderie as we once knew it, will likely be a thing of the past as each one must continue in their separate journeys. With the last-minute request to…
Here are our new spring cards!!! To view all of our spring cards, click here.
Come join us! Sunday, April 1st at 1:00pm at Posh Scraps! Register soon at, we maxed out the last time. Hope to see you there.
Join Rosa and Martha Stewart on Tuesday, February 7th as we make a special handmade Valentine’s Day card. The show will air at 10:00 am EST on the Hallmark Channel.
Just in time for Valentine’s Day and right from the ‘heart’ of Rosa’s workshop, ROC Paper Scissors is pleased to introduce the following new additions to the Romance card aisle of the Card Store for your viewing and shopping enjoyment!
Almost 100,00 pageloads and over 145 Countries from around the world to visit our site. We wanted to extend a very heartfelt Thank-You to a few of the wonderful people that have made this year so special.