So I dedicate this blog to all the people of the Martha Stewart Show. The experience has helped me as a business owner and to grow as an artist. It has afforded a wonderful opportunity to be exposed to some incredibly talented people and has pushed my creative limits to a place where not even the sky is the limit. I have dared to dream, seen some come true, and I’m so excited that I’ll not be stopping anytime soon.
[threecol_two] [/threecol_two] [threecol_one_last]In a weird way I think it is my way of grieving and giving this amazing ride in my life some kind of closure as well. There will be ways to stay in touch with the very special people I’ve come to know and love, however the family camaraderie as we once knew it, will likely be a thing of the past as each one must continue in their separate journeys. With the last-minute request to return to the Martha Stewart Show for the third year this past January, I quickly packed my bags and within 2 days I was heading back to NYC to be reunited with the precious people at Chelsea Studios. Knowing that this was to be the last season of the live show, I was left with a bittersweet feeling of pending loss and love for the folks that had always been so gracious, thoughtful and appreciative. In a way, it has, is and always will be like family to me.[/threecol_one_last]The show aired in February. I thought that was the end of doing any “work” with MSLO. Then, I was invited to be a guest blogger on The Crafts Department blog on Martha’s website. Click here to see that post. I wanted to be able to send them a posting that would represent the spirit of excellence I saw and witnessed in everything they did, every person they treated and everything that their Company represents. So I got together with a talented pair of girls from Relish Studios. Having seen some of their work in the past I decided to join forces to put together a photo shoot, for their blog post.
So here, in a nutshell, are the photos from the shoot. I have so many wonderful people to thank, so please take a moment to see all the credits. I need to give honor to whom honor is due…. Their talents have always been with me throughout this “Martha” experience. I could never do ALL this on my own.
I AM convinced that with God , ALL things are possible. I’m excited to see what is next in this journey we’re on. To my husband and kids, their patience and support have been and continue to be priceless!
Thank you to everyone that has been apart of this experience!
Martha Stewart and The Craft Department
Andrew Ashton – La Posh Salon Clearwater