I had the wonderful opportunity once again after many years, of sharing the TV screen with with Couture Cookie Artist Dani Fiori. The very first time was about 7 years ago, when Martha Stewart’s resident Cookie Artist and I met numerous times on the show making Valentines pretties for the viewers. Dani worked for Martha for many years, picked up and Emmy Award along the way for her prop and set styling then, started her couture cookie, invitations, and event design company, Sweet Dani B’s.
Dani and I have kept in touch throughout the years and have done collabs before see here the beautiful Hug Monster collaboration we did for Valentines a few years ago.

Ugh! I know right?!!? Her cookies are so adorable! So much talent.
Mother’s Day is always such a sweet time to take a moment and honor all the wonderful women who have influenced our lives in one way or another.
Especially moms.
Dani and I are also part of the Martha Stewart family of Makers in the American Made Market at Handmade at Amazon. It was so wonderful to see her again last fall as we represented the A.M. Market among one of the 50 vendors for the summit last fall.

At the American Made Summit at Martha Stewart Headquarters last fall. Dani Fiori (left) and Lenore Welby- (center) who was my senior Senior Producer every time I was a guest on the show. Here we are, happily reunited, having some sweet cookie fun!
It was time to do a collab again, so we decided we would do one of a Daisy and Ladybug theme and to our excitement we’d be sharing it on the Nationally Syndicated Daytime TV Show hosted by Jerry Penacoli and Cyndi Edwards.
We both got to work as we prepared a special treat for the live audience taping.
She sent me the most adorable ladybug cookies with her tags blank for me to add my part.
Mind you, her work is so beautiful it really needs nothing else but here is what it looks like when a cookie artist and a paper artist unite :

Each little lady bug on the tag was made out of paper. It’s a technique called quilling. You tightly roll very thin strips of paper and then create the concave shape to make the body of your lady bug. Below is another picture from one of our regular inventory of cards offered, here on our website or our American Made Market, to show you the detail on these sweet little ladies! The daisy garland on the TV show also had some to add more ladybug cuteness to our project!

miniature ladybug created by a paper crafting technique called quilling.

…and what better way to unite a cookie lady bug with a paper one by using simple dashes with a thin black marker. It created movement from the big cookie bug, by the little paper lady bug, to our pretty daisy. Since SDB is all about spreading the love a small little red heart on the bottom right side of the tag added another element representative of of her work.

a little embroidery thread coiled inside the yellow centers of the daisies added additional texture to our flowers.
All of a sudden we found ourselves in the midst of the sweet Ladybug and daisy invasion!
So off to the set of Riverbank Studios in Tampa, Florida to Prep for our segment. The only thing missing was Dani in person, but the indelibly sweet footprint she leaves behind is unmistakable. Here are a couple behind the scene shots just ’cause I know you guys like that 🙂

Setting up the table for the segment. Making Daisy and Ladybug cards and teaching the viewers how to make their very own paper daisies!
Since it was a live audience show I decided to take some live audience selfies. Here is one, ummmm, as you can tell, my selfie skills are not up to par with my paper crafting ones but, oh well, the ladies in the audience were very gracious!
It dosen’t help to bring with you some amazing Mother’s and friends to the taping. All Moms and Grand Ma’s well worth being honored and pampered on! All the audience members received a swag bag FULL of special treats for them.
Everything was ready for the segment. Cookie-collab ready to surprise the audience with a sweeeeet give-away!!

The table is set and ready to tape our segment!
But first: we needed to adjust the height difference between Jerry and I.
We solved the problem with my special little crate they have just for little ‘ol me.
Yes, I know I still look tiny:

Jerry is announcing to the audience that they are all getting a cookie! Just between you and me, I wanted to say so badly :” You get a cookie! You get a cookie! You get a cookie!”
Jerry putting together one of the two simple cards ideas we presented to the viewers.

“All you need are different sized circles to make pretty paper ladybugs”

If you want to learn how to make the matching envelope with four circles, be sure to watch the video segment!

Here we are with Dani’s cookies and my cards . Jerry couldn’t wait for the segment to end to ask to have a cookie. He was taking the card he made, to give it to his mom.
The next thing you know, all those weeks of planning and in four minutes or so, the fun is over. To see the full TV segment, feel free to click onto this link right here , Friday May 12th when the program airs. Everything went great! Like I said before, the only thing missing this time…was my comrade in all things crafty, Miss Dani. To see the video of our segment we have also included a how to for making your own paper daisies!
Special thanks to my Daytime TV family for having me back again and for giving Dani and I the opportunity to feature our collab and celebrate Mother’s Day with the things that we love to do!
Finally a special thank you to my precious friend and jewelry designer, Heidi Daus . She didn’t know I was going to be on TV but she happen to send me a special gift, meant to simply encourage me in my endeavors and in life in general. I received her generous and gorgeous gift in the mail, the week before the taping.
Included was a special set of 4 pins and a daisy one at that! Included was a hand written message from her. In the message she sent me the “Heide Strategy for Life” Pin Set- 1 of 4. As strategy #2 in her message was as follows:
2- Daisy Pin: “Nurture your loved ones.”
When we do, that love will “multiply” wherever you go.
or as Sweet Dani B would say: “Spread the love!”
Mission accomplished.
Don’t you think?
Thanks for stopping by guys!
Till the next adventure 🙂
I received a beautiful card yesterday from my friend Supna! I’d love to connect with you! Wow- so beautiful! Please, call me- my new playcenter is having a farmers market on May 27th 10-1. Maybe you’d like to set up a table and sell your cards or we could talk about the idea of setting up and event if you do make and take classes! Ladybugs is our theme!
Thank you! 813-814-4193