A Huge opportunity has come across my path, Hallmark’s Home and Family show are looking for someone to become a part of their DIY family.
They started this Nationwide search over two weeks ago and I’ve been planning ever since. This “contest” thankfully is mostly based on talent/original creativity and your ability to teach your best craft tutorials in a approximately 6 minute segment.
I can do this! I am so excited on being given this opportunity to showcase my talent and I am very grateful for this chance for other eyes to see what I can do. I must confess there may have been a couple sleepless nights brainstorming my 60 second pitch to spare no detail and give it my best shot!
Just number of likes WILL NOT determine WHO will win…can anyone sigh a sigh of relief with me?
Your likes and comments will help them however, they will look at who is creating buzz and who isn’t….
After all it is on the Dream Job website so your comments are pretty much a “referral” when anyone is looking for a job.

When I left Colombia in ’93 I thought that with it, I had left behind a life in front of the TV cameras. It did happen for many years as I got married and have joyfully dedicated my days to my husband and boys. Nothing brings more joy to my heart than to be a wife and a mom. I fell off the grid, as many may say and have enjoyed every minute of my life as a home maker. However, TV seems to follow me. I can’t seem to completely get away from it. When I started my little card making business, it was to be able to do something on the side from home and still be there for my family. Having a child with special needs, you need flexibility with work schedules to be there for all the unplanned things that present themselves on a daily basis. All that to say, I never expected it to take the National TV stage on The Martha Stewart Show as a guest for the times I did. That opened more doors and I found myself doing segment after segment, show after show, grateful every time and grateful for the incredible people I have met along the way.
This opportunity with Home and Family gives me the chance to combine two things that I enjoy and have done throughout my life: TV and Crafts

Here is the link to the site with the 411 and my video@ http://dreamjobbing.com/homeandfamily#2494
I sure hope you consider liking it,posting a comment and maybe putting in a good word.
Feel free to spread the news on whichever social media platform you use.

I hope you are all excited to see it as I have been to put it together. Not without the ever so faithful support and help form my Video Producer Scott Beck which is taking time out of his incredibly busy schedule to help me out in executing my shenanigans.
From now till April 15th something new will follow my last name #HomeandFamilyDIYstar.
Dreaming big guys…hope you dream along with me
Fingers are crossed for you, Rosa! This job would be a perfect fit for your talents.