OK friends! My sincerest apologies.
I never meant to leave anyone in the dark about the #homenadfamilyDIYstar contest. I wasn’t able to give any information because I didn’t have any to give.
Let’s back track a bit:
The contest began March 7th with the announcement about the contest, on May 19th we submitted our video to the Dream Jobbing site, April 15th was the end of round one and they were to select 5 finalists over that weekend and announce a winner May 9th. However, they changed the competition over that weekend selecting 25 finalists to give each one the opportunity to be on the show which was a great for so many more people. For the whole month of May they would feature the 25 finalists. 5 a week for 5 weeks. At the end of each of the five weeks, the producers ( with the help of facebook comments and votes) would choose a favorite for the round with the FINAL 5 finalists and then finally select their DIY star. This last part has yet to happen and the date announcing the winner still remains TBA.
With May being sweeps month (a ratings month) I’m sure they were going to take advantage of the momentum the contest seems to have created and maximize the fact that many of the finalists selected have a huge social media following.
Most of the finalists had been notified (but asked to keep it under wraps till further notice) sometime shortly after that weekend in mid-April. However there seems like there were people that were notified up to the start of May- before” their” week scheduled to appear on the show. So… all I could do was wait and see. Unfortunately contestants not chosen, were basically left waiting along with the viewers to see who came on the show.
I think it is safe to say now, I wasn’t selected, reason being next week is the week #5 and except for two names I’m not aware have been made public yet, they pretty much have their line up of finalists to be taping this coming week, the last week of the of the DIY star contest.
I felt pretty excited when during round one, I seemed to be if not among very few, the only contestant, that Home and Family kept re-tweeting posts about thier craft and the contest. I got my hopes up with that one, just being real (my bad). I must tell you though, that part was so much fun and I really enjoyed that!
The social media love fest that was going on between me and Home and Family went radio silent after they had picked their 25…so… duh me…ha ha… I should have figured it out at that point 🙂
My apologies to all those who I had to put on “hold” regarding invitations, speaking engagements, appointments and any other commitments for the past 3 months. In “TV land”many times, it is last minute calls, changes in their plans can make things a bit difficult to plan. Thank you for being so gracious!!!
Thank You for your love, the most awesome referrals and comments any dream jobber could ever want on something like this and most of all THANK YOU for gracious friendship & support!!
I’m really very excited for all incredible talent of the bloggers, You-Tubers, DIY’ers, crafters, vloggers that were selected and the opportunity they have been given at this time. There are some REALLY, really, great people out there! I can see why it was so hard for them to just pick 5. Many had their national TV debut this way and I know very well, how exciting that can be. Others selected were, people who have been on the Today show, other home improvement shows, reality shows, ex- tv reporter’s, Emmy winners in other TV media venues so this is just so great for them as well!! Congratulations to all 25 finalists!
For those of you who caught a snippet of my video submission used on their contest promo, you won’t be seeing me on the Hallmark channel at least regarding the DIY contest it seems. Last time I was honored to be on the Hallmark channel was the times I was a guest on “Martha”.Who knows, maybe one day, I’ll hear from them down the road, when the time is right, now that I know for sure they know about me, ROC Paper Scissors and some of the many creative things I can bring to thier home and yours.
But it is all good guys. REALLY (insert big smile). I must tell you it was quite the rush and exciting ride while it lasted!
I am very grateful to DreamJobbing and Hallmark Channel USA Home & Family for giving us the opportunity show the world what we can do.
So keep dreaming, keep creating, never be afraid to try ’cause you never know WHO is watching and you never know what doors God may choose open for you!
This verse below guys, still holds true:
Love you all!
if you never saw my video entry feel free to see it while it’s still up on the site, I still think it was a great video:)
@ http://dreamjobbing.com/l/