There are times when the mail arrives and with it, a surprise.Its in those moments when just have to grab your letter opener. It’s in those moments when, instead of ripping it open with your fingers leaving lumpy uneven tear marks on the top of the envelope, you have to open it carefully to be sure you don’t tear anything inside. You don’t want to miss a word, a sentence or anything. Has anyone else ever been in that kind of moment of excitement and wonder? I had that moment today, to my surprise, as my husband hands me an envelope addressed to my name and says four words: Chip and Joanna Gaines. Yeah you heard right, the HGTV “Fixer Upper” Chip and Joanna Gaines. I once heard some one once say “the purity of the heart is tested by giving them a little fame”. Throughout my life I have seen this truth tested in the hearts of many who were not ready for a little notoriety and it saddened my heart to see how they responded to it ,only to expose self-destructive,unhealthy, selfish ambitious motives in their hearts. So, in those moments when you run into people who haven’t…

Paper Portrait central – at least that is what this part of my website and blog is about to become. I’ll be posting more about some of my latest paper art portraits here in the blog section of our website. Included will be closeup shots, so you can really appreciate the level of detail that goes into each customized paper portrait. Who doesn’t love a beautiful sunflower any time of the year? I’m calling this latest paper portrait, “Sunflower Bride”. It was a personal project for a friend of ours who was married last fall. With the Holiday’s and Valentine’s Day workload, I’m just coming up for air now, getting my hands on it and finally getting this done. It was my wedding gift to them, so I made them a BIG one (about 20 inches x 15 inches). In the photo thread below, I’ll also include a the original photo, everyone seems to love looking at the side by side! Remember, we can put something very special together for you for St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day …. and there is always that special Anniversary, Engagement, Birthday, Baby Announcement/Shower/Congratulations, or Wedding memory we can immortalize in paper art form. I’m also working…
It is always an exciting time whenever heading to Riverbank Studios in Tampa, Florida to do a Daytime TV Show taping. For five years, I’ve been privileged to do what I love in the company of these wonderful people. It just gets better and better every time! Thought you’d enjoy seeing some of the behind the scenes shenanigans, so I thought I’d share some of mine with you. When arriving, I usually make a very quick stop in the Green Room to greet everyone there, and then dash off to the studios where I see the NBC Peacock on the wall – it kinda makes my heart race. Set up begins. As I prepare my segment , there is always this mental rehearsal in my mind as I go through how the whole thing is going to play out . So if it looks like it’s really quiet, it’s probably because it is. Well at least everywhere, but in my head. 🙂 A special shout out the the people at Martha Stewart for providing everything used in the segment . They also provided all kinds of amazing craft products for a Facebook Daytime TV Show giveaway – So, be sure to go and…
Spring is here and all kinds of flowers are blooming out doors and indoors in my own “paper garden”. I’m no pro at actually gardening outside. It’s something I hope to change someday. For me the hot Florida weather is no motivation to be outside much and I really prefer the air conditioned comfort of my art studio to create blooms for my art projects that I wouldn’t even be able to grow in this hot weather anyway (I know, lame excuse). My hats off to all you brave Florida gardeners! With all the distressed wood trends out there, I came up with a card set design I called “Spring in a Crate”. I made my own paper paper with a wood look to it. Then I created a crate and added all kinds of blooms inside. Check them out here on my website and on the Martha Stewart American Made Market. I thought I’d come up with a very easy version of this card thanks to a little help form my friends at Martha Stewart Crafts. It’s no secret I love and use their products on a daily basis in my business, personal projects , when I blog or…
In the blink of an eye half the year has almost past us! Lots of exciting things going on for our business! This year ROC Paper Scissors has signed contract with Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia and is now part of the Martha Stewart American Made Market on E-bay! Handpicked by Martha and the team at Martha Stewart Living, the American Made Market spotlights and celebrates the American makers, products and personal stories that have inspired them. I am so honored to have been asked to join this Market and have an opportunity to come into the homes of 66 million subscribers! Stay tuned for all kinds of emails, social media, and editorial integration on the Martha Stewart websites and in their magazines that they will implement to highlight and celebrate us, as an American Maker!!! I feel JUST as honored for the past couple of years be a guest on Daytime TV Show hosted by Jerry Penacoli and Cyndi Edwards. This time my “Card Making Alumni” ( Jerry and Cyndi) were putting together a Mother’s Day version of a card I made for the Valentines Day of 2012 on The Martha Stewart Show. It has had such a great response I figured…why…
Some of you may know that my husband and I became grandparents last February. Our oldest son and his precious bride-to-be gave birth to fraternal twins weighing @ 2lbs and 10 oz, four days shy of their 28 weeks of gestation. Obviously given how tiny they were, they were to spend till their due-date (May 5) in the NICU. After many many weeks of prayer, our little miracles were finally able to leave the hospital. During their stay, one of the sweet NICU nurses was sure to keep tabs of their footprints and weight till the day they could finally come home. She would use the back of clinic cards to faithfully and lovingly keep tabs for the busy new mommy and daddy. Suffice to say, the past year for all of us just got twice as busy. Almost a year later we decided it was finally time to salvage and put together a memory of just how miraculous the whole time in the NICU was for all our family. Here are pictures of the work the nurse and Brittany (our new mommy) so faithfully logged for the twins. Brittany brought each one of the little footprints carefully placed in two…
We are excited to offer our newest product based on our very own and original ” New Arrival Baby Cards” ® These baby cards have been available for years on our website. In case you are new to us and our beautiful creations and are trying to figure out what I’m talking about,just enjoy the refresher below: They are aprox. 7 inch cards and sell for 9.99. Our customers have purchased them in the past and have shadowboxed them giving them at baby shower’s as a beautiful piece of small artwork for a nursery. For many many years I have cut out very large sized images used for decor in teachers classrooms, small temporary bedroom projects. Since the shelf life was very short and seasonal I never worried about creating something that would last a little longer than a Holiday season on a teacher’s bulletin board….till recently. We are now paper crafting on steroids. I have had various new mommy’s requests to make for them larger paper crafted items-much,much larger than our 12 x12 inch Custom Cards to put in their newest additions room. So the fun begins. Here is a photo collection our ventures in this very new arena of…
Don’t forget you can enter in a NEW drawing to win a Custom card in December! How you may ask? ROC Paper Scissors is trying to reach 1000 likes before the end of the year. All YOU have to do is ask a friend to “like” our page and have your friend/referral post on our wall:”referred by… ( enter your name).” Start combing through your favorite pictures and get your friends over there! The more times your name shows up as a referral, the more chances to win 🙂